Saturday 13 December 2008

Reservation in India

It was passed in our assembly almost 50 years back under the government of our first Prime Minister Mr. Nehru. But what actually the offer was, it was supposed to be applied for next ten years, but unfortunately being followed religiously even after 40 years of its last date. The purpose was to enhance the lifestyle and growth of minor communities but if abate this reason for a while, eventually we are e ended up being with new originated minor communities from the already existing and had started asking for the same.Next big question to be asked, “Have we achieved the objective of making these communities independent” if No then why?. Answer itself lies in politician lap, they actually wants them for their survival and growth, bitter actually truth of today is that a general Hindu has become a minor in its own nation called as HINDUSTAN.Considering the education quota in our country, what we are supposed to provide is the financial aid to those minor communities and from my point of view why only to those people, are we that great a Nation that a general person in this Country would never required such facilities. If yes, then also these people are only financially handicapped (GOD knows they really are) but surely not the mentally handicapped.There is no point making it easier for them to enter in the institutes like IIT or IIM or any other reputed colleges. Let them deserve a place and then there would be no harm providing the whole fees for that deserving candidate. Or other solutions are providing easy educational loans with no interest. We have to start taking some kind of innovative steps to eradicate this problem otherwise our nation will start producing about 80 percent undeserving Doctors and Engineers every year.

1 comment:

Sachin Dubey said...

What a great opinion buddy!!
